Unlike Lex, I don't have the literary skill to start off a blog with a witty anecdote or cool cultural reference (he does do that, right? Geek). Instead, I'm going to get/ divert yr attention by posting a video of a game that looks awesome. Then I'm going to tell you why I'm posting a blog for a change.
K, so... I'd like to believe that some day our band can exist without having to ask (beg) friends and people that like our band for help like, on a weekly basis. So yeah, if you haven't already figured, this is yet ANOTHER begging letter.
So, 6 months ago my poor bass head suffered 'explosion damage' (sounds exciting, but it's killed it, possibly for good).
Now, I've recorded my bass parts BUT I really need to re-amp them to make them sound, y'know, boss.
So... I ask you (specifically the people of Birmingham and thereabouts):
Does anyone happen to have a decent valve bass head, possibly an SVT, that I could borrow in order to make my bass parts/ our new album sound super super super awesome?
We'll like, dedicate the album to you or something. Probably 'or something'. But I'll be forever grateful.
Please email johnnyforeigner@hotmail.co.uk if you think you can help.
K, one more goosebump inducing game trailer
(parental guidance blah blah blah, unsuitable viewing for children, blah blah blah)
K, don't tell yr parents I showed you that, ok.
bye, homies.