we've been making lewes do shedloads of stuff lately. you'll see a load more soon. if he was a machine we surely would have broken him. anyway, here's our new t-shirt designs. i hope the charm involved overides the fact that we're all awful with colour schemes. you'll be able to buy these on our Official JohnnyforeignerfeelslikesummertourTour. sorry jay/rest of world. rejuvenated merchy shop soon, promiseeeeeeeeeeeee...
yay! look at us, we're self-referencing our old shirts and we havnt even put out th second album. post-modernism ftw. for more visual excellence from lewes "charlotte hatherley phones me at midnight" herriot click me do.
so, assuming that we get the last tours tour support through this week and lea can fix our van to m.o.t. standards, then next month we go back on tour around lovely engerland. like, a proper headliney tour with new tshirts and gigs where we're contractually obliged to play for more than 30 mins. yay!
here's some dates (of it)
official johnny foreigner feels like summer tour 2009
7th may, sheffield fuzz club, with tubelord 8th may, derby rockhouse, with tubelord (14+) 9th may, hull club nme @ welly, with tubelord 10th may, day off, rubbish 11th may, bristol cooler, with tubelord and oxygen thief (14+) 12th may, southampton joiners, with calories and copy haho (14+) 13th may, brrmnghmmm victoria, with calories and copy haho 14th may, kingston new slang, with super-tennis and youves 15th may, leicester sumo, with tubelord and copy haho 16th may, brighton great escape festival, DiS showcase, with idlewild 17th may, manchester deaf institute, with copy haho and calories 18th may, london flowerpot (camden) *special FREE show* (see below) 19th may, another day off, psssssssh 20th may, liverpool soundcity at the barfly, with hot club de paris and tubelord and calories (14+) 21st may, york fibbers, with calories and copy haho (14+) 22nd may, wakefield escobar, with copy haho and runaround kids (16+) 23rd may, newport meze lounge, with copy haho and calories 24th may, northampton roadmender3, with copy haho and calories
note how we're playing with awesome bands yeh?
plz note, brighton and liverpool, idlewild and hot club are th headliners and we're just tagging along. cos they won the toss, thats how it works, see. sorry to everyone on the rest of the planet, we'll get to you next. also yeh, since yr here and obviously captivated by my writing style (ripped wholesale from amiga power circa 1994, natch) we tried really fucking hard to make the whole tour 14+. failed, obviously, but even getting this many shows has been hassle. so, if you live somewhere we can play and know of such a night then get in touch with/get them to touch us. and if you don't, then either start something yrself or stop whinging and run away to southhampton. given the amount of money bands make off underage shows (lots) and 18+ shows (not lots), it seems slightly retarded that there arent more places in england bands can play without becoming entangled in a law about alcohol. but there you go...
right, londons, since yr so obviously better than everywhere else, this is what you get:
we're playing this place called the flowerpot in camden, just us, and its free in IFyou sign up to our rejuvenated mailing list. theres no catches or nowt, this is purely an illdisguised ploy on our part to bump up the number of people we can spam with gig details and release news and stuff.
but if you want to come watch us play then yr probly intrested in things like that, right? unless yr a mental who just wants to come stare at kelly some. anywaysss, to sign up and get the secret password (or something), put yr emil in th box on this page right here. those of you with eyes will notice that this is th fledgling baby of a new website being made by Professhonal Compuetor Exprots for us. dont look at the rest of it! it's not finished! if you look we can't be friends anymore.