Thursday, June 17, 2010

luna park

hello! i just heard of this band and i think you might like them too see?

this is philadelphia grand jury, they're from australia and, LONDONS, you can see them supporting us at 93fteast on the 26th of THIS MONTH. they're on an epic uk tour, go see them in other places too. we really need to stop booking gigs the day after one of us returns to the country, but never mind.

also, i went for a quick drink today with one of my total teenage musical idols, to talk about producing ALBUMNUMBER3. well, i guess its 4, technically speaking but anyway: EXCITING. can you guess who? heres a clue, its not anet mook. anyway, i dont think he remembers drunk me meeting him in the jug of ale 8 years ago, but he was just as cool as i remember. he gave me a beer and i kept it in my fridge for 3 years till pete from calories drank it.

and lastly, and it spins my head slightly i can even write this, if there's anybody with a johnny foreigner tattoo that hasnt already added a picture to our faceboke then, plz do it. you insane but ego-bolstering crazies. we want to cut off yr skin and make a blanket for our grandchildren JOKES.

nah, actually, we want to kind of organise our photos a bit betterer. what we're totally missing is pictures of our t-shirts, so if anyone has photos of themselves wearing any of our merch and looking SUPERCOOL and stuff, plz send it to so we can show them off to people. i don't quite know who, but they'll be well impressed. plz mark yr mail "COMMENT MAH PIX PLZ" so we don't lose it amongst the offers of discounted italian designer clothing and airmiles reminders.

k thx loves

google chrome, i like you.


  1. My mind is a little blown by the fact that the philly jays are supporting you! Two of my favourite bands coming together. Shame I'm in Oz. Maybe they can convince you to head over here...

  2. yep, should totes return the favour and support them in their hometown

  3. Hey guys, really happy the Luna Park are supporting you! Like one of the above posts, 2 of my favourite bands coming together! Is there any chance of you guys hitting it up in Brighton soon?

    Also, i wrote an article on you guys for my blog

    here's the article, its a post about your latest (incredible) free track from South Africa!

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gosh yr blog is so entertaining and i like yr band so much. my bank details are