you may notice a massive continuity gap here, i wont pretend. safrica burned us out so much, i needed a few weeks to sit rocking in a chair to recover. but yeh, heres some more stuff that happened:
we played a show at klein libertas in stellenbosch. klein libertas is an amaaaazing venue, it started off as a theatre and expanded for bands and its run by this awesome family who also invented ramfest. we choose the indoor stage cos we're goths, but between bands everyone went outside and drank on the grass, it was total festival atmosphere.
we found out, one of the worst things to do before soundcheck is go to a wine tasting. conversely, one of the best things to do after driving around in the sun and loading gear into a venue is go to a wine tasting. weird huh? anyway, we sat at that bar up there whilst a lovely old lady patiently explained the history and delicate flavour of each bottle whilst pouring us a glass. i dont really remember anything past the colours. and the last one tasted of stale battleships and was magnificent.
we'd ride like this all the time if we could..
anyways, we came back and did soundchecks and interviews and hung out talking to peeps outside, it was well lovely. THIS awesome band played, we sobered up, which is a lie, and did a show. here's some ominous pictures our friend thomas took for us:

it was one of those gigs where everything breaks but its still fun. we allow ourselves 1 per tour. thanks to rudi for playing guitar and lending guitar!
i wish i could find some photos from outside where everyone was sitting, cos it was lovely, but you'll just have to imagine. we had milk moustaches from these weird milk drinks whose name i got too drunk to remember.
we met dawid, who i guess is like the public face of ramfest, he's an awesome super energised guy and we taught him how to do the double devil sign with both hands. it seemed like a fair trade for a couple of shows, like. we ended up, like all good nights, with rounds of free jaigermeister and a drive thru mcdonalds.
after this it gets a bit hazy. the next 48 hours involve a plane flight, a live tv spot, a prerecorded tv spot, a fucking amazing gig in a garden, and not a lot of sleep. in reality im going for dinner and then i'll come back to it, but, yknow, story...
anyway, have a trailer for it: