it seems like ages since we did any serious actual touring. sorry theres been not much writing, we've been busy doing things. special things, like rehearsing that song we never play. YOU KNOW THE ONE ITS YOUR FAVOURITE. at least, we hope. we've been rehearsing about 20 songs. which is stupid, cos we die if we play more than 12 in a row. but yeh, in the interests of Generating Some Hype, please tell us what songs of ours you'd most like to hear us play at the show that you are coming to if you are. yes. and we'll talk about it on sunday at practice and be like, djs? fuckoffffffffff..
i've spent 3 hours pressing buttons and assigning real time expression latch switches (YEH!) on my crazy japanese pedal board. as soon as i'd stopped laughing at the "instant knob mode". im unsure if this is a good thing, cos i have to do less pedal ballet, or a bad thing cos at least i was well practiced at said ballet.
anyway,we havent been completely anti social.
beatcast tv filmed our afternoon londondon show, and are showing the first half here. part 2 comes next week (7th October). you can also see us be interviewed by legendary kingston ladies man del, on this word :YES!
also also also
thanks ellie for holding the camera still admist a TEENAGE RAMPAGE.
um, also, new shirts! for tour! we're getting th yellow one printed again cos loads of people asked us to and we'd probably run off a cliff if you asked us too to.
the others are a black one what looks like this, only on a tshirt and without the annoying white lines:

and a white one that looks like this

why did we not think of that before?
we'll put some on the merch store too when we get them. yayers.
ALSO (finally) you know how we're awesome yeh? if you go to our website after midday monday, you'll get a surprise. (of the non rapey kind)
Holy crap JoFo playing my favourite song with LC! I wish that camera had a better mic....
i havent experienced security to the promenade yet and i want to. flapperANDFIRKIN yeh?
this band is killing us! pleasepleaseplease! at the garage, london. i've seen you guys play pretty much every song from the album/ep except this band. and it's one of my favourites.
Sometimes in the Bullring!PLEASE!
lex, that teenage rampage video is SERIOUSLY CREEPY
Play Sometimes in the Bullring for me yeh pleassseeee!
Yay, new shirts! Something to tide the Amerrrrrricans over...
also, how about 'Candles'? that'd be nice
sometimes in the bullring at sxsw. and yes, you're playing it. you don't have a choice.
Hennings Favourite is the bestest.
Play it in Birmingham... and possibly Manchester as well plz, k? thx
keep the pedal ballet. Everyone loves pedal ballet.
ANDANDAND Absolute Balance and Our Bilpolar Friends. I'd buy you pizzacarno for those three songs.
absolute balance + custom scenes at SWN pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease
'Absolute Balance' at King Tuts'd be grand and I'd totally love you forever and everything. True story.
And, as much more of a long-shot, 'Suicide Pact, Yeh?' would be nice too...
Houseparty Scene at Nottm tomorrow would be ace!
i can very happily see those shirts on my body mmmmmmye.
add houseparty scene to cardiff and i'll also buy you dinner. trade songs for food yes?
Will those t-shirts be making an internet appearance?
I didn't have time to get one last cos of trains n that...
GUYS GUYS GUYS... i really wanna come see you when you come to cambridge.... but its 16+..... FUCK YOU SOUL TREE :(
do wanna try and sneak me in ;) :P
love you
x ;) :P
The End and Everything after at Leeds. Pint for it yes ? not that i'm into bribery at all.... xx
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